the Excel file

The Excel file


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The Excel file guide


If you venture into the excel file you will notice that under certain parts an italoswenglish language is used for the moment, that makes me sound much like Salvatore (actor Ron PRELMAN) in the movie “The name of the Rose. That will be changed with time. Also I have no academic constraint, so some (few) interpretations could raise eyebrows.

The GoogleEarth file is best used together with the excel file.

In the excel file a path has been found to visit all the runestones (no fragments) of Sweden (another unique feature of this site). I do not claim that I have found the shortest path, as I did not employ any computer code but did it the hard way. Anyway I am pretty sure this path is short enough. Also, please take into account that I decided a starting point (well suited for somebody coming from the south) and an ending point. Computer programs would find a different optimal starting and ending point.

In the following there is a description of what you see in the excel file.

“Foglio 7” = “Sheet 7”

Lines 1 to 20 are comment lines.

With time they will be rearranged as what you see now is a crush version.

Column B lines 1 to 17

Here you have a description of what you find under the columns that in line 20 I have designated with A to P (excel columns U to AK; the designation P is not used for the moment.)

Under the column H the sum is reported of the numbers under from A to G.

Column J lines 1 to 6

describe what is under column (B-20)

Column J line 8

informs you that (A-20) under column A you can see if I visited the runestone or not. Bear in mind that in this crush version I have placed a 1 only for those that I recollect at first sight, some from a visit 2013-1995=18 years ago. With time I will go through my handbook and the notes and I will do justice to my whereabouts.

Lines from 21 to the bottom.

Column C

. The swedish designation for the runestone is reported.

Column D and E

. The X and Y coordinates according to Ref 90. When the numbers are in italics that means that I have particular confidence that the figure is exact. Otherwise you might notice that the numbers mostly end with a rounding to zero of the last two to three digits. This implies that the combination might give a 500m uncertainty. A masterful handling of the rounding up could have minimized such problem. As I do not have the slightest idea of why and how that was done, I only could remedy fine tuning the position on GoogleEarth with the help of the street view feature, my notes, my recollection and all other information that I was able to gather. The result of this is under column B: a 9 means that I am pretty sure that if you go you find the runestone; a 6 means that the runestone could be right there or 500m away (in one case the runestone was on the other side of Sweden.)

Columns F to H and I to K.

Here you find the coordinates expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds (as I have them set up in GoogleEarth.) So I have placed the yellow place markers on Google Earth based on those figures. But then I have fine tuned the position on GoogleEarth and did not go back to change the numbers here reported. So, when you see a 9 under column B that refers to the position of the GoogleEarth yellow marker, not the coordinates under F to K. There is no way that in G-20 and J-20 I can digit for minutes: it disappears!

Columns L and M

. The coordinates are transformed into degrees and their decimals.

Columns N and O

. Of no importance.

Column P

. The number indicates the “as the crow flies” distance from the previous (line above) runestone.

Column Q

. The number indicates the distance run to go through all the runestones up to that point.

Column R

. Shows the number of the runestone along the path.

Column S

. Gives an estimate of the total distance (as the crow flies) that one has to run to go through all the runestones. As one progresses along the path the estimate becomes closer to the final value. This distance does not take into account the winding and climbing/descending of the roads. But it does take into account for the fact that thou shall not cross a lake where there is no ferry service and it does take into account that roads, even if small, need to exist to accept a certain path from one runestone to the next.

Column T

. Here a not so informed guess is provided on what might be the real total distance.

Columns U to AB

. The numbers reported under each one of these columns could be made into (ordinates) a graph along all the runestones (abscissae) to decide on what to visit (for the purpose of visibility of the graph the figure under H is made to never exceed 49.) Under H, if one can walk from one runestone to the next without the need to get on a mechanical/electrical device of transportation, then the first runestone sports the addition of all the numbers associated to the following runestones.

Columns AC to AF

. Here the coordinates are transformed for an immediate check, double check and then check it again, with Eniro.

Columns AG to AK

. See the description in the lines 9 to 16.

Column AL

. Here the name of the runestone is reported. Mostly this is the name where the runestone was found, not the name of the place where the runestone stands. In some cases I have reported more than one name when more were reported in the literature. The name of the place where the runestone stands can only be found (when not explicitly stated) by clicking on the yellow marker on GoogleEarth. Here I have also reported some information that is of particular interest to me.